Two former TOGI BEd students, Waseemah Arendse and Mechall Abrahams, published a hands-on article in the recent Yesterday & Today journal. This journal is a scholarly, peer-reviewed and educationally focused history education journal. Other than the peer-reviewed papers, this journal published hands-on articles based on authors’ personal experiences/opinions with history within or outside the classroom.
The introduction to this hands-on article:
This article focuses on the learning journey, experiences, and research related to history education in schools, and the interaction between them.
I am Mechall Abrahams, a recent graduate of the Two Oceans Graduate Institute in Cape Town, where I completed my B.Ed. (Intermediate Phase). I live in Park Rynie, a rural community in KwaZulu-Natal. As an online English teacher, I work with students from various cultures across the globe. As I have become more aware of other people’s viewpoints, and have begun to listen to them first, my views have evolved. I have gained a greater understanding of myself and other cultures through studying history.
My name is Waseemah Arendse, and I have just completed my B.Ed. (Intermediate Phase) from the Two Oceans Graduate Institute. I live in Bonteheuewel, Cape Town – in an area commonly known as the Cape Flats. I work as a Grades 6 and 7 mathematics and science teacher at a school in this same area.
This article will reflect on our journey with our studies, experiences, research, and interaction with how history is taught in our schools.
Link to the Yesterday&Today (Vol. 28) journal: