TOGI’s E-Library Products and Services for all Students

Two Oceans Graduate Institute (TOGI) Electronic Library (E-Library) is a digital collection of carefully selected, curriculum-responsive online information resources aimed at supporting the institutions’ teaching, learning, and research needs. Concomitant to this digital collection are digital library services offered in-person via electronic communication channels namely, e-mail, phone, and social media by a professional Electronic Librarian accessible 24/7.


The core responsibilities of the E-Librarian at TOGI are centered on; selecting, processing, and organizing curriculum-based online information resources that enable students and academic members of staff to learn, teach and research effectively. Furthermore, the E-Librarian ensures effective use of these online information resources through offering reference services that include; training students and staff on the technicalities of access, digital literacy, and emerging scholarly communication practices.

Currently, TOGI E-Library is accessible to registered students by way of logging in to the institution’s Learning Management System (LMS) via and prompt the drop-down menu titled Electronic Library Portals where you have access to the following electronic databases;

Name of Electronic Database


ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative networked database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education, it is an essential tool for education, students and researchers of all kinds. You have access to downloadable journal articles


Provided through a partnership between TOGI and EDULIS, the Education Library and Information Service of the Western Cape Education Department. You have access to a free print (proximity) and electronic library and information service. The collection includes both E-Journal Titles and E-Books.

EBSCOhost (E-Book) Collection

A collection of electronic books purchased by TOGI from one of the best international publishers EBSCOhost. All registered students have access to this resource.

Britannica Academia

A comprehensive resource for students and Lecturers consisting of encyclopaedia articles, full-text journal and magazine articles, primary sources, multimedia, and other unique resources and tools that make research easier and more productive.

For training request on how to access these resources and any other form of assistance, please contact me on  or via WhatsApp on 0733852880.