Dr. Georina Westraadt attended WERA

Dr Geo Westraadt

Dr Georina Westraadt attended the World Educational Research Association Congress (WERA), which was held in Cape Town from 3 – 5 August 2018. At this congress, which was attended by academics from 52 countries in the world, Dr Westraadt presented a research paper, titled: The surprize of the RPL outcome. This presentation reported on a case study, for which data was collected from interviews with the first cohort of students at TOGI. The data was analysed to provide insight into their experience as first year students. The data was measured against their initial APS scores to provide conclusions as to whether the provisional acceptance of these students based on recognition of their prior learning (RPL),  proves to be a risk for the institution and the students, or not.

Dr Westraadt also chaired a session at the congress and gained insights from the educational world globally, which will be communicated to staff members and eventually our students.

Who is WERA?

The World Education Research Association (WERA) is an association of national, regional, and international specialty research associations aimed at advancing education research as a scientific and scholarly field. Established on April 18, 2009 in San Diego, California. WERA aims to undertake initiatives that are global in nature and thus transcend what any one association can accomplish in its own country, region, or area of specialization. Member associations are resolved to work together to address such issues as building capacity and interest in education research, advancing education research policies and practices, and promoting the use and application of education research around the world.
